Category Archives: Case Study

Medical Case Studies — Insights from SpeechTEk 2017

During the SpeechTEK 2017 session, Medical Case Studies: Improving Healthcare Outcomes with Digital Platforms & Live Visual Assistance, speakers Jo Roman (Clínica Tepeyac), Theresa Szczurek …

CASE STUDY: Clinica Tepeyac uses ChoiceView for Health Coaching

Radish Systems published the case study showing how its ChoiceView Visual Live Assistance capability is used at Clínica Tepeyac to help remote diabetic patients have …

NEWSLETTER: Automated Visual Tech Support and Password Reset

Password Reset with ChoiceView Visual IVR Password reset is the most common task for tech support representatives. Sometimes customers can handle password reset at a …

NEWSLETTER: ChoiceView Visual Chat and WebRTC

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Visual ‘Tech Help’ Increases Biomeds Productivity

Tech support in healthcare and other firms needs to do more, faster, and better. The answer comes from equipment developers, vendors, and original equipment manufacturers …