Tag Archives: tech start-ups

Five Tips for Better Sleep and Results

“How do you sleep at night?” That was a question a Venture Capitalist asked the soon-to-be CEO of our previous start-up. The answer, “Pretty well, …

Jim Collins on Turning Good to Great — Diary of Radish, a tech start-up

WHAT’S THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR in turning good to great?ANSWER. The people. The ability to pick and associate with the right people makes the difference between goodness and greatness. Here’s how this applies to Radish Systems, the tech start-up

Four Actions to Get More Women to Lead Tech Start-Ups

There are not enough women leading tech start-ups.  My last article explored the why, where, and why– why bother getting more women leaders, where do …

How Women Leading Tech Start-Ups Helps Everyone

There are not enough women leading tech start-ups.  The buzz is on ignited by the 8/27/2010 Wall Street Journal article “Addressing The Lack Of Women …