Healthcare Solutions

Mobile Healthcare Brochure
Health Care Use Case: Diabetes Monitoring

Health Care Challenges

The explosion of electronic medical information is transforming data management and challenging all aspects of health care. The challenges are compounded by the rapid adoption of mobile devices in health care organizations and by health care recipients. Information, especially relevant potentially life-saving information, must be immediately accessible. As a result, health care providers and their recipients want faster, even instant, delivery of health-related data and information.

ChoiceView is the Solution

Many situations in healthcare demand that complex information be communicated quickly and accurately when callers are using smartphones or other mobile devices. ChoiceView solves the problem by allowing mobile callers to not only hear the information, but to see it at the same time, exactly when needed. Studies show that seeing and hearing information simultaneously increases understanding by at least 50 percent. As is often said, “One picture is worth a thousand words.”

ChoiceView Improves Understanding

ChoiceView improves understanding and adherence to medical recommendations. When you both see and hear the information, transactions are easier, faster, and more rewarding. For example, an employee calls her employer’s ChoiceView-enabled nurse about continued knee pain that keeps her from going to work. The nurse instantly sends visuals and explains:

1. her condition as ostearthritis,

2. exercises she ought to do at home,

3. the previously-prescribed meds she should take.

The employee saves the visuals by tapping ‘+’ on the ChoiceView screen. Later, she presses the ‘History’ button to view them again. By both talking about and seeing the information via her smartphone, the employee easily understands her condition and its remedies. She also receives encouragement to adhere to the prescribed regimen. She does the exercises, takes the medications, and is quickly back to work. The employer is satisfied with the reduced absenteeism and improved productivity.

Secure and Compliant Information

When combined with message encryption and medical-professional password security, ChoiceView medical information transfer is highly secure and HIPAA compliant.

Health Care Trends Demand ChoiceView

Trends that are driving health care providers to find more efficient and effective ways to communicate and share information include:

Health Care Applications

With the proliferation of mobile devices, both health care providers and recipients are demanding faster and better medical information. ChoiceView delivers “Now I see what you’re talking about!” moments. Your providers can instantly share any type of visual from their ChoiceView-enabled systems, including diagrams, forms, photos, graphics, documents—while explaining or answering questions about complex procedures. Regardless of their location, providers and recipients can receive critical information via ChoiceView on their mobile devices.

Benefits of ChoiceView

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